Wednesday 11 March 2009


When my ever tolerant hubby asked me what I wanted for christmas, I suspect he already knew that it would involve something with feathers. I casually replied I'd like two more hens, fully expecting him to laugh himself sick and then tell me to get stuffed. Instead, he told me to phone the breeder.

The breeder invited me 'round that very weekend, and after a bit of oohing and aahing, I came away with Delilah, a partridge hen, and Mini Mildrid, a splash. Mini was, and is, a very sweet hen. She's a few weeks younger than the others, and is bottom of the pecking order. Delilah is an extremely handsome hen, with a wonderful comb. She is, however, a complete cow. If she's in a mood, which is more or less constantly, she will try to peck you to death. Delilah is noisy and bad tempered, and the smaller hens stay out of her way. However, she is completely beautiful, and lays the most eggs, so we forgive her. I have a pair of gardening gloves which I use to prune the roses, and to handle Delilah. Neither of us like this arrangement, but it will have to do. Delilah can often be found staring in through the patio door, perhaps plotting chickenny vengeance.

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