The food artfully arranged by our award winning chef. She also does a mean line in porridge with raisins and added mixed corn.
The diners get stuck in. Notice the oh-so-elegant face in trough technique. Sheer class.
Hilda wisely decides to leg it with a noodle.
Er, Maeve? Gladys? There's just a little something...yes...there...and fact, your face is now more potato than chicken.
Hilda returns for more noodles.
Mabel manages to look graceful amongst the carnage.
This photo was taken approximately sixty seconds after dinner was served. They don't mess about, chickens.
Flo and Winnie make do with some crayons and an activity pack in the garage.
Thank you, Madame. But a tip was not necessary .
Poor Flo and Winnie!