Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Look What The Postman Bought Me today

The new incubator has arrived! As I type, it is plugged in next to me, whirring it's way to optimum hatching conditions. I am very impressed. Compared to my little Covatutto 6 manual incy that I hatched the meeps in last year, it's a technological age away. If the new incy is a supercar, the old one is a horse and cart. Where the horse is old. And possibly a bit lame.

Look at it's lovely shininess!

The super intimidating control panel.

Now, this particular outing is just to check that it all works, and also to try and decipher the instructions. I swear that NASA sent man to the moon with less programming. Still, the fact that it is so adjustable was the entire point in purchasing it. My friend is planning on a fairly straight forward large fowl hatch, but my serama experiment requires something that can be fine tuned. With any luck, and a lot of advice from the UK Serama Forum, I should be able to tweak the conditions within the incubator to give me optimum hatching results.

Roll on April.


  1. Did you source some serama eggs? Might you keep a doodler for breeding purposes?

  2. Well, if I were to hatch a chap, and he was a pathetic crower...it would be terribly rude not to keep him, don't you think?

  3. I bought that model last year but mine was the manual version. I loved it, had a successful hatch with it too, good luck with yours, cant wait to see the results


  4. That is a cool looking gadget. I have not used a table top version yet. I have an old fashioned brower model that still works well. Can't wait to see how your hatch works out.

    Take care,
    Good Morning,

  5. Ohhhh, wow! I hope you'll keep us updated with photos along the way!!
